Admissions Office


6-year MD (English Program) | 6-year MD (Asklepios Program)5-year DMD (English Program)


Admissions Calendar 2024/2025


Conditional offers will be sent:
25.07 -26.07.2024


Wait list offers will be sent:
26.07 - 29.07.2024


Decisions about rejection will be sent:

19.08 - 23.08.2024


Registration period - [CLOSED]


6-year MD English Program - from 27 May 2024 to 22 July 2024

5-year DMD English Program - from 27 May 2024 to 22 July 2024

6-year MD Asklepios Program - from 27 May 2024 to 22 July 2024











Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin
offers studies in English language at following majors:


1. Medicine:

  • 6-year MD program in English (English Program)

  • 6-year MD program in English and German (Asklepios Program)


2. Dentistry:

All programs offered are long cycle programs which lead to a master's degree in a given discipline. Please note that we do not offer studies at bachelor level nor postgraduate master studies to bachelor-degree holders.


Please note that since all three courses are taught in English, we require a certificate of English language proficiency. The list of recognized certificates and corresponding scores is available on our website: click here.

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Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Szczecinie

ul. Rybacka 1, 70-204 Szczecin,
tel. 91 48 00 700 / 800, fax 91 48 00 705
NIP 852-000-67-57, Regon 000288886