Grant Information


More information about amount of grant per each country will be available in April






Amount of grant per month 2023

Grupa 1 – Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden

 670 €

Grupa 2 – Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France,  Greece, Spain, the Netherlands, Malta, Germany, Portugal, Italy

 670 €

Grupa 3 – Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Republic of North Macedonia,  Lithuania, Latvia,  Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Hungary

  600 €


Traineeships SMT


Amount of grant per month 2023

Grupa 1 – Dania, Finlandia, Irlandia, Islandia, Lichtenstein, Luksemburg, Norwegia, Szwecja oraz kraje regionu 14

 820 €

Grupa 2 – Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France,  Greece, Spain, the Netherlands, Malta, Germany, Portugal, Italy

 820 €

Grupa 3 – Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Republic of North Macedonia,  Lithuania, Latvia,  Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Hungary

 750 €



Students and graduates who will view the criteria in the favorite "people with fewer opportunities" (students and graduates with fewer opportunities) more plus an amount of 250 € for each month of stay in the destination from the departure category.

Definition of "people with fewer opportunities" for:



the criterion on the basis of which the university will qualify

students with disability

Certificate of the degree of disability

students from poorer backgrounds

The decision of the university to grant a social scholarship or a group of students who meet the criteria specified in the rector's ordinance. For graduates - decisions made during the last year of studies will be taken into account


The decision on the possible expansion of the group of people as people with fewer opportunities will be made in the course of work on the allocation in the 2022 edition, when the European Commission and funding under the Erasmus + program will take place.


People with fewer opportunities can apply for Green travel

Green travel - travel using low-emission means of transport such as bus, train or shared support from a car.

In the case of working in the title of "green travel", students and graduates are entitled to receive individual support for the cost of living for up to 4 additional days.

Students and graduates not receiving the standard lump sum for travel expenses are entitled to receive € 50 in terms of green travel deadlines.


Students and graduates who will view the criteria in the favorite "people with fewer opportunities" (students and graduates with fewer opportunities) more plus an amount of 250 € for each month of stay in the destination from the departure category.

Definition of "people with fewer opportunities" for:



the criterion on the basis of which the university will qualify

students with disability

Certificate of the degree of disability

students from poorer backgrounds

The decision of the university to grant a social scholarship or a group of students who meet the criteria specified in the rector's ordinance. For graduates - decisions made during the last year of studies will be taken into account


The decision on the possible expansion of the group of people as people with fewer opportunities will be made in the course of work on the allocation in the 2022 edition, when the European Commission and funding under the Erasmus + program will take place.


People with fewer opportunities can apply for Green travel

Green travel - travel using low-emission means of transport such as bus, train or shared support from a car.

In the case of working in the title of "green travel", students and graduates are entitled to receive individual support for the cost of living for up to 4 additional days.

Students and graduates not receiving the standard lump sum for travel expenses are entitled to receive € 50 in terms of green travel deadlines.






















Amount of grant per month



















Amount of grant per month

Group 1 – Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden 550 € 700 €
Group 2 – Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France,  Greece, Spain, the Netherlands, Malta, Germany, Portugal, Italy 500 € 650 €
Group 3 – Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Republic of North Macedonia,  Lithuania, Latvia,  Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Hungary 450 € 600 €

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